Voice Search Integration
58% of people have used voice search to find information about a local business.
After looking at our monthly reports today, I can see we’ve generated over 4K visitors just from Google My Business. Our website also had over 600 visitors in the last 30 days.
dr. matthew lief

Alexa... Find the best roofers in Seattle.
That could be worth $25,000 to you. And it's free.
Smart speakers and mobile devices have launched an explosion of voice recognition features. 3 out of 10 searches for local businesses are now voice search.
Local Marketing Systems puts you on the forefront of this huge trend.

Optimize Your Business For
Voice Searches

Amazon Alexa

Apple Siri

Microsoft Cortana

Google Assistant


Stitcher Radio

Train Alexa & Siri To Sell
For You!
Here's the dirty little secret. Alexa, Siri, and all other smart systems aren't really smart at all. They need to be told exactly what to say.
The Local Marketing Systems Voice Search Engine goes the extra mile to answer very specific questions about your business IN ADVANCE. That way, when Alexa is answering
a question about local businesses she is talking about you.
Act Today to own Your Market!
why local marketing systems is a smart move.
The Time is now
To jumpstart your business